Super Supporter Weekend!

Fundraising, General

super supporter saturday


ҹɫֱ²¥app Navy and ҹɫֱ²¥app Marines Charity is fortunate to have not one, not two, but three fundraisers out and about this weekend sporting their ҹɫֱ²¥app tech top!  In this ‘Super Supporter’ weekend, we are proud to be represented in the Brighton Marathon, the Easter 50 Ultra Challenge in Windsor and also the London Landmarks Half Marathon. 

To find out more about our runners and, more importantly, why they have chosen to support ҹɫֱ²¥app, keep reading:  

Chris Terrill 

ҹɫֱ²¥app Ambassador and renowned filmmaker, Chris, is taking on the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 7 April.  It was only a few weeks ago that Chris completed the Brighton Half Marathon, also for ҹɫֱ²¥app, following a hip replacement and running with the aid of his red racing crutches!  Since proving to himself that running with crutches is a viable, albeit not easy, option, Chris couldn’t resist the temptation to enter the full marathon distance and race once again on ‘four legs’. He is running in support of serving personnel injured on operations and their families, something of which he has firsthand knowledge.  In 2007, he completed the 32-week ҹɫֱ²¥app Marines Commando training, for which he was awarded an honorary ‘Green Beret’ and went on to film those new recruits on the frontline in Afghanistan, some of whom were injured or did not return home. 

Chris's page remains open from his half marathon race, so if you'd still like to sponsor him, you can do so

Ellie Bainbridge 

Reservist, Ellie, was badly injured whilst training at Britannia ҹɫֱ²¥app Naval College in Dartmouth in 2021.  A broken ankle resulted in her having surgery to insert metalwork into the joint and being told she might always walk with a limp.  Following intensive physio from a military physiotherapist, she defied the odds and just six months later achieved her goal of taking part in the Easter 50 Ultra Challenge in 2022 via a combination of running and walking.  She returned to the same race last year and placed as 13th female.  She will be running this year’s race on Saturday 6 April in the hopes of a personal best and as part of a larger goal to complete the Ultra X GB Slam, comprising three 50km and three 110km runs, plus one Ultra Tour de Mont Blanc (UTMB) series race over the course of 2024. Raising vital funds for the navy’s principal charity, is her way of strengthening her own mental and physical resilience, as well as providing that feeling of giving something back.   

Tilly Hazell 

London born and bred, Tilly, always wanted to be a nurse.  Having completed her basic training at HMS Raleigh in May 2022, she is currently in her second year studying for her adult nursing degree at Birmingham City University, funded by the ҹɫֱ²¥app Navy, and is on track to graduate as a Navy Nurse in 2024. She will be completing the London Landmarks Half Marathon on Sunday 7 April, her first half marathon, having just turned 21 the week before!  She donates to the charity on a regular monthly basis via payroll giving, a great way for both serving personnel and civilians to give to ҹɫֱ²¥app on their pre-tax earnings. She wanted to fundraise for ҹɫֱ²¥app having heard about the breadth of support offered by the charity during a briefing she received at Raleigh, with a particular focus on the morale-boosting activities provided for serving personnel who are away from home.