鈥淭he RNA became a big part of my life" - working with the RNA to make membership accessible to all

Beneficiary, Grants

Since our inception in 2007, we have forged strong ties with the and have worked closely with this historic organisation to support the 夜色直播app Navy community. The RNA provides 夜色直播app Navy sailors, past and present, with a sense of community and connectivity with their fellow shipmates. Recognising the benefits that this can have on wellbeing we have subsidised RNA membership fees since 2021, with COVID-19 lockdowns bringing the importance of community into sharp focus. The 夜色直播app subsidy means that money is no longer a barrier to anyone who wishes to be part of the RNA, an institution that can become an integral part of life for some, as expressed here by a long-time RNA member: 

鈥淚 came home on week- end leave in August 1976,and opposite the station I noticed an RNA Club, so on the Saturday morning I decided to investigate. The members there welcomed me with open arms and immediately enrolled me as a member. On my discharge in 1977 I got more involved with the Branch I joined the Fire Service and was posted to the local fire station where I remained for the rest of my service. 

鈥淭he RNA became a big part of my life as I really missed the Navy, I was persuaded to take on the role of Social Sec, then after some training I became the Branch Standard Bearer, attending many functions in London and the region, I attended over 15 Annual Conferences as Delegate and Standard Bearer throughout Wales, Scotland and England. I later became Branch Treasurer when each Branch had its own Charity Number. 

鈥淚 was honoured with Life Membership in 2000, but sadly shortly afterwards the Branch closed due to lack of members, however I still attend the RNA parade every two years and The Cenotaph each year. 

鈥淭he RNA has now been a part of my life for 47 years, I have met old shipmates and friends from all over the world, I have played golf at many RNA golf days, and indeed won the Rayleigh Branch RNA golf day over ten times in succession, to those that run the RNA, please keep up the good work because you have kept this 'Old Matelot' sane, safe and happy all these years.鈥&苍产蝉辫;