ҹɫֱapp and Kings Active Camps prove huge success in 2021


Despite the challenges which came as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ҹɫֱapp and The Kings Active Foundation worked hard once again, to provide safe opportunities for children to socialise, play and have fun together.  

This year, both organisations’ main objectives were to ensure that as many children as possible have the opportunity to return to camp or experience it for the first time, identifying new locations for camps and building new partnerships.  

As a result, 1,560 places at an Activity Camp were allocated and camps ran across 13 locations and accommodated spaces for 772 families. In total, 1,200 children attended camp and over 40% of them experienced Kings Camps for the very first time.  

Running camps successfully and keeping both children and parents happy, however, comes at a great cost – in total, it cost £420,000 for Activity Camps 2021 to run. To break down these costs, we can inform you that: 

  • The price paid by each family was £75 per week, which is less than 30% of the average cost per place.  

  • 70% of the cost is covered on a charitable basis jointly by ҹɫֱapp and Kings Active Foundation. 

  • ҹɫֱapp pay an average of £120 per place, or just under £200,000 in total.  

  • Kings Active Foundation chose to contribute the equivalent of £75 per place. 

  • Thanks to the ҹɫֱapp Navy we saved a total of £50,000 by utilising ҹɫֱapp Naval facilities to host the camps where possible.  

More children from ҹɫֱapp Navy families attended Kings Camps, over 1,000 ҹɫֱapp Navy families benefitted from our Active Families Programme, and we managed to get thousands of children and young people active and having fun. The partnership between ҹɫֱapp and ourselves continues to strengthen and we have more exciting plans for 2022!

Richard Holmes – CEO, Kings Active Foundation 

We have received positive feedback from both, parents and children and are happy to say that Activity camps this year have been an absolute success.  

To ensure that we continue to provide families and children with what they need, , available for any parent and child (including Rookies) who have attended camps either in Summer or in October. Your feedback is extremely important to us, at it will ensure that Activity Camps 2022 are even better.  


Parent feedback: 

Both my wife and I are grateful that the boys have had this opportunity and can honestly say they have loved every minute of it. Please tell me that you will be doing it for the Easter half term and Summer next year?!” - Devonport 

My son enjoyed his first day there so much that I would give it 10 stars if I could. He was so happy and excited when I collected him, he even told me off for picking him up too early.” - Helensburgh  

Always great staff, friendly and welcoming. Always professional, especially around the children and always really enthusiastic for them. The kids love going.” - Devonport 

We are already planning the 2022 Activity Camp and Rookie Sports Academy programme. Look out for updates on our social media early in the New Year and don’t forget that RN families can access civilian Kings Camps in 45 locations across the UK.  


